Unblock & Balance Chakras
Root Chakra
💮The colour red circles and highlights your life
💮Balanced and Cleansed
💮Unleash Inner Warrior
💮Always feel grounded and in control
💮Control Emotions
💮Be Courageous
💮Extreme Confidence
💮Become Strong Willed
💮Be Spontaneous
💮Extrovert Personality
💮Perfect and Healthy Kidneys
💮Perfect and Healthy Bladder
💮Perfect and Healthy Hips & Legs
💮Survival Instincts are in Tact
💮Take Care of Physical Needs
💮Attract Money
💮Attract Properties to Invest
💮Attract Jobs
💮Become an Amazing Dancer
Sacral Chakra
💮The colour orange circles and highlights your life
💮Always Happy and Enthusiastic
💮Be Sociable
💮Have lots of Energy
💮Enjoy Sports and Working out
💮Achieve Goals Effortlessly
💮Always Self Assured
💮Perfect and Healthy Uterus
💮Perfect and Healthy Ovaries
💮Perfect and Healthy Large Bowel
💮Perfect and Healthy Ovaries
💮Emotionally Stable in Every Situation
💮Sensual and Sexual Aura
💮Enjoy doing Yoga
💮Dance Effortlessly
💮Flat and Toned Stomach
💮Toned and Firm Butt
Solar Plexus Chakra
💮The colour yellow circles and highlights your life
💮Be Funny and Humorous
💮Be Outgoing
💮Good Sense of Humour
💮Be Practical & Intellectual
💮Perfect and Healthy Liver
💮Perfect and Healthy Spleen
💮Perfect and Healthy Stomach
💮Perfect and Healthy Small Intestine
💮Amazing Personal Power
💮Amazing Self Will
💮Healthy, White and Cleansed Soul
💮Enjoy being out in the Sun
💮Amazing at Sports
💮Always be organised
💮Always get tasks done
💮Always look Amazing
💮Enjoy pampering yourself
💮Set Goals and Achieve Them Step by Step
💮My Voice is always heard when needed
💮Manifest deep desired of the soul
💮Become capable and Powerful
💮Know who you are and where you’re going
💮Solve any problem that comes up
💮Natural Leader
💮Worthy of the best life
💮Stand up for yourself and what you believe in
Heart Chakra
💮The colour green circles and highlights your life
💮Very Understanding Person
💮Have self-control
💮Very Adaptable in any situation
💮Be Sympathetic, Compassionate, Generous & Humble
💮Enjoy Natural
💮Be Romantic
💮Attract Romance in your life
💮Perfect and Healthy Heart
💮Perfect and Healthy Breasts
💮Remove any Heart or Breast Disease
💮Self Love and Respect
Throat Chakra
💮The colour blue circles and highlights your life
💮Become Loyal, Tactful, Affectionate and Inspiring
💮Inspire people around me
💮Become inventive
💮Become Caring as well as Cautious
💮Very Intuitive
💮Always think before you speak
💮Clear and Healthy Throat
💮Cleansed Thyroid
💮Enjoy Singing
💮Have Desired singing voice
💮Whenever you sing you clear your throat chakra
💮Whenever you talk you cleanse your throat chakra
💮Enjoy staying hydrated and drinking water
💮Amazing at Twerking, Belly Dancing and Hip Dancing
💮Enjoy getting massages
💮Speak the truth with love
Third Eye Chakra
💮The colour indigo circles and highlights your life
💮Idealistic Person
💮Very Wise
💮Gain Wisdom in all areas of life
💮Truth Seeker and Finder
💮Know when people lie or mislead you
💮Human Lie Detector
💮Eyes Are Healthy and Perfect
💮Lower Head is Healthy and Perfect
💮Sinuses Are Healthy and Perfect
💮Visualise and Manifest in 3D Crown Chakra
💮The Colour violet circles and highlights your life
💮Healthy and Balanced
Crown Chakra
💮Healthy and Perfect Brain
💮Brain is Invincible
💮Inspiration Leader
💮Always come up with new ideas
💮Mentally Strong
💮Amazing Relationship with the God
💮Released from ego
💮Know God is taking care of you
💮Spiritual Being