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Desired College/University Combo

Desired College/University Combo


🎓Get into desired College/University

🎓Get into desired campus regardless of grades

🎓Study in desired location

🎓Manifest Scholarship

🎓Live in desired location (includes travelling if that is what you desire)

🎓Live in dream reality

🎓Study in the best campus that suits you

🎓Study the best Major/course

🎓Choose the best modules (if needed)

🎓Find your dream career

🎓Know exactly what you want to do and what you love

🎓Amazing college application

🎓High IQ

🎓Extremely intelligent

🎓Attract lots of money for starting your course

🎓Receive free money and gifts from people

🎓Receive free education

🎓Remove any college/university debt

🎓Clear all debt

🎓Free dorm rooms

🎓Attract the best accommodation

🎓Attract the best roommate (If desired)

🎓Attract free books, food and transportation

🎓Have an amazing college/university experience

🎓Attract the best classmates for my course

🎓Have the best and most understanding teachers

🎓Learn more everyday

🎓Remember everything you read

🎓Study easily

🎓Pass every exam, test and assessment with full marks

🎓Receive full marks and straight A’s for every class

🎓Perfect memory

🎓Perfect GPA

🎓Remove stress and anxiety

🎓Have perfect mental health and remove metal illness such as depression

🎓Be fully committed to learning

🎓Ready to become stronger and a better version of yourself

🎓Parents accept the college/university I choose to study at

🎓Become amazing at researching

🎓Receive other forms of income apart from a student loan

🎓Become a perfect student

🎓Get the perfect standardised test scores

🎓Attract the right contacts and networks

🎓Have idea college timetable/schedule to suit your day-to-day life

🎓Perfect time management

and more!

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